Breeding of forest woody plants is a specific part of silvics, based on the achievements of evolutional teaching and genetics. Its foundation (1907-1914) coincided with activization of the activity of societies of Russian foresters, geographers etc., who advocated vitality of forest nationalization, nature reserve and natural monument establishment, stoppage of depredation of forests, rare species and communities, elimination of negative breeding arteraffects (with improvement of composition and increase of stand productiovity). Realization of many offers was conteracted by many apologists of forest manufacturers (Chikilevski, 1911; Kublitski-Piottukh, 1911).
Overcoming “ignorance”(Tihonov, 1911) and taking into account that “Nature works cheaply, but slowly”(Jashnov, 1911) during development and realization of breeding programmes scientists gave special attention to the experiments on the test of climatic race of pine, fir, larch (in trial forest divisions (Sobolev, 1908; Ogievski, 1909, 1916), to the results of pioneer pine tests (M.K.Turskoj) in Petrovskaja Academy (Nesterov, 1912), to larch hybrid use (Kurdiani, 1912) and perspectives of naturalization of foreigh species (Voeikov, 1908; Vinogradov-Nikitin, 1910; Regel, 1912; Morosov, 1913).
Investigations of provenance trials showed inadmissibility of seed supplies to Central Russia from its north and south-west regions and Germany, as well as Siberian larch seeds from the Altai (decrease of growth indices, poor phytopathogen resistance, stem curvature and frost killing of progeny, respectively). There were substantiated recommendations of Silvicultural Comission of Forest Department about growing of Siberian stone pine in European part only in park stands (Journal of Meetings, 1910). At the same time K.Pokaljuk′s (1909) forecast about use of vegetative propagation of coniferous was not justified (Meier, 1907) – “only in decorative arboriculture”. There was not analysed G.F.Morosov′s (1913) thesis that in the process of intensive natural selection in a number of generations an increase of quality in fruit-bearing trees of I-III classes of Kraft growth taces place.
During examination of the problem 5 stages were determined (1915-1930; 1931-1947; 1948-1964; 1965-1990; 1991-2009). Their specificity was determined by changes in social and economic politics, in competence level, responsibility and degree of interactions of state bodies and scientific community. For instance, the Decrees “On Protection of Monuments of Nature, Gardens and Parks” (16.09.1921), “About Crimean State Nature Reserve and Forest Biological Station” (30.07.1923) and “About State Caucasian Aurochs Reserve” (18.05.1924) only partially realized the Programme suggested by I.P.Borodin in 1909. The main points of N.P.Kobranov′s report About Organizing Forms of Forest Trial Work in the USSR and its Regular Tasks in the Sphere of Silviculture (USSR Gosplan meeting 02.04.1930) were used only at the end of 1960s.
During the period of chaos in forestry (in particular, stoppage of the activity of Problem Council on Forest Genetics and Breeding, attempts to liquidate some specialized research institutes and experimental organizations, “freezing” of promising developments and loss of many valuable experimental objects), our return to the pedestal of “people′s academican” T.D.Lisenko is quite symptomatic (Litereaturnaja Gaseta, 24.03.2009).
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition